I Can’t Stop Writing!

733936081_adad5b7f5c_mSo now that I’ve been doing this “writing a novel” thing for a while, I’ve discovered that it is a universal problem that writers have trouble finding time to write.  Writers blog on about it repetitively. (Here is Ali Luke advising us on this problem at Aliventures this week).  They wail and gnash their teeth about it.  Jean and Mary bemoan their busy and fun-filled schedules about it!  (Yeah, okay, so maybe I wish I was on vacation too but anyway that’s two weeks away, hang in there Karen!!)

But now I’ve developed another, somewhat related problem that I’ve heard less moaning about.

I can’t stop writing OTHER STUFF.

I hurt my back last week and sat on the couch a good part of the week-end.  I wrote almost the whole time.  Wonderful, right?

Not exactly.

Well, I *did* write one new scene for the novel, as was (part of) my assigned task.  But then I also wrote a blog post for my professional blog.  And a 2000 word article for a grassroots advocacy effort I am involved in.  And portions of several other professional blog posts for future weeks.

If I had put all that energy into the novel, I’d have several more chapters!  So my problem now isn’t finding time to write, so much as finding time to write the NOVEL.

An embarrassment of riches, I’d say.

I’d like to tell you more, but I’ve got something else to write!


Photo credit:  motoyen via Flickr